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Tips on Building Team Morale as Spring Approaches

For some, corporate team building events are worse than a visit to the dentist. For others, they represent an opportunity to escape from the office and enjoy the outdoors. How effective these events are in improving organizational effectiveness is addressed in an article by Lindsay Olson, a recruiter who writes for US News. She notes that interacting in a less corporate and stressful environment can improve problem-solving techniques, build trust and appreciation for others, and improve communication.

Choose activities wisely. Not everyone enjoys climbing ropes in the woods or laser tag. Some may not want or be able to take an overnight trip, and some may have excellent suggestions that involve less logistical planning. Offer smaller, office-based social activities and competitions. Seek feedback from employees. If staff contribute to the choice of activity, it is more likely to be a success.

  • Rather than choosing one annual staff outing, choose a monthly or bi-monthly event. Frequent efforts will cement behavior and change a culture more quickly. Consider the dynamics of your workplace. Do your staff members rarely interact? Then plan activities that focus on communication. Do you want to develop collaboration among your staff? Then plan activities that build trust and that encourage individuals to depend on others.
  • Allow time for fun. Friday’s are an ideal time for a weekly happy hour. It can improve communications and add some light relief to the corporate environment. Buy lunch for employees; take turns in choosing the type of food. Take employees out to eat or suggest a lunch time walk when the weather is warmer. A change of environment can positively change workplace dynamics.
  • Plan time for group meetings and to exchange feedback. Management can initiate discussions by sharing potential corporate strategy and requesting the opinion of staff. Use these sessions to assuage conflict or staff unease. Staff morale is affected by rumor of corporate activity; transparency and honest communication are vital in building a culture of trust.

With spring approaching, are you considering adding staff members to your team? If so, contact our team of professional recruiters in Reading Pennsylvania at (855) 655-9675 to learn how a partnership with our team can positively impact yours!

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