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Did Your Team Meet Their Annual Goals in 2015?

Every good manager knows that it’s important to help employees set annual goals to improve their performance. Employees often want to know how their efforts contribute to the larger scale corporate objectives. Setting annual goals connects employee performance in a meaningful way.  Annual goals can help your team to grow stronger. Looking back at 2015, how well did your team meet their goals? Did your employees:

  • Set and achieve personal and professional goals
  • Develop more efficient ways of doing things
  • Increase productivity and profits for the company

Ultimately, a manager’s job is to support the autonomous effort of each employee based on their abilities. The secret is to use a hands-on approach by giving your individual employees the space they need to succeed on their own. Follow these principles as you support your team in reaching annual goals.

Set Attainable but Challenging Goals

Allow employees to set some of their own goals, but also create a goal that is challenging and attainable within a certain amount of time. Ask your employee to create goals that directly contribute to the company mission. Discuss if the goals are realistic and challenging enough. Don’t aim too high or too low — find a happy medium.

Create a Plan of Action

Now that you have some initial goals set for the employee, it’s time to develop a step-by-step plan of action. Break down goals into smaller tasks, with appropriate milestones. Talk about any possible obstacle and how you will overcome them. Use this as an opportunity to problem solve with your employees on how to get the job done.

Monitor the Process

Have a system for monitoring the progress of each employee as they work on their annual goals. Be a partner with your employees. Check in frequently with your employees to see how they’re doing. It’s recommended that you check in at least on a weekly basis. This is especially true with employees that are struggling to reach their goals, but you also want to provide the same level of support for your high-performing employees. Use this as an opportunity to coach and provide feedback to your employees so they will be able to meet their annual goals.

Looking to Make Hiring a Goal in 2016?

Contact the experts at Staffing Service USA for additional help and support with your hiring initiatives.

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